Molten Chocolate Pudding

200g dark chocolate, chopped
50g butter, chopped
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 cup flour, sifted
1 tablespoon cocoa, sifted
dusting of cocoa and cream to serve
• Preheat the oven to 180°C. Spray a 6-hole large (Texas ) muffin pan with oil.
• Place the chocolate and butter in a bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir until melted.
Set aside.
• Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric beater until pale and thick, about 5 minutes. Add the vanilla, flour and cocoa and beat for another 2 minutes.
• Add the chocolate and butter mixture and beat for a further 5 minutes. (This mixture needs a lot of beating to incorporate air and make the puddings light.)
• Spoon the mixture into the muffin pan to three-quarters full and bake for 10 minutes – the puddings should be very soft or gooey to touch. Carefully remove from the pan and place on individual plates.
• Serve immediately with a dusting of cocoa and lightly whipped cream.
Serves 6

Bagian atasnya yang kering, itu yang unik.. sedangkan bagian dalamnya kaya cake but di tengahnya coklat meleleh.. luberrr.... (gila sampe skrg rasanya masih terasa di lidah)... PENASARAN???? SILAHKAN NGILER... HAHAHAHHAHAHA.....
Kmrn malemnya juga janjian ama Suli and Inny di TA... tadinya janji jam 8.. tapi karena u know, Jakarta kota maceettt... sucks.. jadi sampe TA jam 9, itupun Suli blum muncul.. Duluan sampe jadi langsung cari tempat duduk deh.. tadinya mau makan sushi di hachi2, cuma karena di rumah udah makan, lumayan kenyang, jadi mampir ke Delifrance aja... Sempet chattin ama Wiwin and Yon sebentar. Jam 9an Suli and Inny sampai.. akhirnya.. gw takut aja mereka sampe TA tutup :P
Btw, here what we had for supper (bukan dinner lagi kayanya...) :
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