Tapi karena minggu kmrn ga kemana2 (tadinya sih rencana mau ngepool ama Andry, but tiba2 males).. jadi gw coba belajar bikin Opera aja.. karena semua bahan tersedia di rumah.. and by the way.. Opera is one of my favorite cake..
Bikin Opera ini liat blog pennylane
Opera Cake
by Ita Kustina

Jaconde Cake:
200 g ground almond
150 g caster sugar
6 eggs
50 g butter, melted
55 g flour
115 g egg whites
55 g powdered/confectioners sugar
Strong brewed coffee to brush the cake layers
500 g Dark Cooking Chocolate, chopped
500 g whipping cream
- Heat the cream just until boiling point, turn off the heat. Stir in dark cooking chocolate until melted and makes a smooth and shiny ganache.
- Let cool and keep it in the fridge for a night. Before using it, take out from the fridge and mix/whip until fluffy and easy to spread.
- Beat ground almond, caster sugar and 3 eggs with electric mixer for about 10 minutes.
- Beat in the remaining 3 eggs while continue beating for about 10 minutes more.
- Drop 2 big spoons of this batter into melted butter, stir until blended, set aside.
- Mix the flour with ground almond batter.
- Beat the egg whites until frothy, beat in powdered/confectioners sugar while continue beating until it forms soft peaks.
- Fold this egg whites into almond batter. Fold in the melted butter that has been mixed with a little almond batter until well blended.
- Divide the batter into 6 pans (22 x 22 cm each), bake 10 minutes in 200 degree Celcius. Let cool on a wire rack.
- Take one layer, brush it with strong coffee. Spread the ganache onto the layer.
- Put another cake layer on top of the first layer, brush it with strong coffe. Spread the ganache onto this second layer.
- Repeat this process until all layers has been assembled. Put the assembled cake in refrigerator for about 20 minutes to firm the structure.
- Pour melted chocolate or remaining ganache if any (reheat if necessary) over the cooled cake. Set aside in the refrigerator just until the chocolate topping is firm (about 1 hour).
- Cut the crust sides of the cake with a long thin knife that’s just been dipped into hot water and wiped, so now you can see the pretty layers of the cake.
- Garnish as you like. One cherry will do
mo bikin ini ah.. tp sapa yg mo ngabisin :( secara ga begitu doyan coklat tp napsu pgn bikin wkwkwkw.... *nantang.com*
hahahhaha.. bikin aja coba.. pasti ga nyesel deh rasanya.. hehe.. kalo ga bisa makan banyak, dibagi2 tetangga lagi aja... :P ato dikirim ke rumahku ;)
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