Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mississippi Mud Cupcakes

Hari ini browsing resep2 cupcakes yang simple.. ketemu satu resep yang fotonya menggiurkan, resep juga ga ruwet... jadi pengen coBa banget.. soalnya coklat bgt + ada oreonya juGa.. hari Minggu pengen buat, tapi palingan 1/3 resep aja.. karena takut ga ada yang makan... sour cream bisa dibeli di carrefour ato di ranch ato di food hall.. biasa mereka jual...

Untuk sementara foto blum diriku upload.. soalnya ga mau pake foto orang.. jadi tunggu yah... Semoga minggu jadi bereksperimen..

Mississippi Mud Cupcakes
Makes 24 cupcakes

85 g unsweetened chocolate, chopped

1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
113 g unsalted butter, at room temp
1 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup water

2 1/4 cups crushed Oreo cookies (about 20 cookies)
1 cup (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips (I used mini chips)

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line 24 muffin tin cups with paper liners.

Put the unsweetened chocolate in a heatproof bowl or the top of a double boiler and place it over, but not touching, a saucepan of barely simmering water. Stir until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Remove from the water and set aside to cool slightly.

Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a medium bowl and set aside.

In a large bowl, using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat the butter and sugar until smoothly blended and creamy, about 2 minutes. Stop the mixer and scrape the sides of the bowl as needed during mixing. On low speed, mix in the melted chocolate. On medium speed, add the eggs one at a time, mixing until each is blended into the batter. Add the vanilla and beat until the mixture looks creamy and the color has lightened slightly, about 1 minute. Mix in the sour cream until no white streaks remain. On low speed, add half of the flour mixture, mixing just to incorporate it. Mix in the water. Mix in the remaining flour mixture until it is incorporated and the batter looks smooth.

Spoon 1 tablespoon of the cookie pieces and 2 teaspoons of chocolate chips into the bottom of each paper liner. Spoon a scant 1/4 cup of batter over the chocolate chips. Sprinkle remaining cookie pieces and chocolate chips over the tops, pressing them gently into the batter.

Bake just until the tops feel firm and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Cool the cupcakes in the pans on a wire rack.

oh ya.. buat yang pengen nyoBa, monggo.. ditunggu laporannya.. i daRe u!!!! ehehe

Laporan :

Hari minggu ternyata ga sempet bikin ini cupcakes, jadi hari senin pas toko ga buka, dan saya penasaran ama rasa cupcakes ini, jadi gw buat dehh.... Berhubung gw lupa beli oreonya, jadi kali ini hanya chocodots aja..

Kali ini versi mini cupcakes, pengen coba papercup baru :P

Mengenai rasa, lebih coklat daripada cupcakes coklat yang biasa gw bikin, secara resep ini pake coklat leleh... =) (boleh nih dicoba ama Suli)


Anonymous said...

mbak gina..... saya ada beli measuring cup.... tapi kok tulisan nya kok ml ya....
jadi 1 cup itu berapa ml ya....

GiNa said...

hi.. 1 cup = 240 ml.. bisa diliat di google kok.. coba aja search baking conversion.. :)